Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hello World

Hi world. I've made many blogs, each one more pointless then the previous. Because nobody ever reads my blog!!! This seems like just writing cause I have nothing else to do and nobody will listen to me. But it's not its a school assignment.
Maybe I should of said my name first before all that stuff about my blogs. Well my name is Matthew, I live in Bangladesh but I am from the states. I have lived in the US, Ethiopia, Egypt, Bangladesh and in a few years India. I like sports, baseball, basketball, dodgeball and handball. My hero is Dustin Pedroia (da shorty) and all you Yankee fans can get off this blog and eat a muffin. I love the Red Sox and Celtics, who are both defending champs (lucky me).
Ok if you don't know me, then this was all pretty boring to you exceot the part about me living in Bangladesh. Yes, that seems like a crowd pleaser. Bangladesh is a small country in sooutheast Asia. The population of Bangladesh is 150,000. That may not seem like a lot to you, but its a country the size of Florida, so imagine half the US in Florida. That gives everyone 2 feet of space. Here the people speak Bangla, and I don't know any. We have rickshaws all over, they are bike-like things that have an extra seat for a passenger. A very nice place.
Unbelievly I haven't said my gender yet, I'm a boy. Well goodbye! (sorry I have no awesome catchphrase at the end).

1 comment:

Shurjo M said...

I hope the world includes me.......