Monday, September 29, 2008

Elliot's Expose

Elliot's letter to the student body was extremely powerful and moving. He had several reasons to write it, and it had many strong points. But I believe the main thing he wanted to get across was that awful bullying happens quite a bit and it quite possible to make bullying just a small problem, but in order for that to happen many people (anybody) have to help. 

When Elliot says this line on page 91-92, he means that the things he experiences in his everyday life could happen to anyone. This isn't exactly a warning to the students that they could be bullied, it's more of a notice that some people aren't nice and should treat him better. Because on page 92 it says "I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day..." In other words, it's bravely asking the pupils what would life be like if they were in the shoes of the victim? "So tell me what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you" Elliot writes.

The letter Elliot sent out to the student body really made me think of how much courage it takes to take the victims side. I think partly because I read all this and it sounded so straightforward and simple, yet bystanders standing up for victims is increasingly rare. Although the quote was in a fictional story, I think some of it can touch bystanders everywhere who read this book.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blog Roll Reversal

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

Blog Question: After the Bully Lab was renamed, the Revealers, and the stories of the three Darkland students were released and well received by the student body, Elliot wanted to publish Russell’s narrative about Richie punching Russell in the face.

1) Why was Russell so opposed to the idea (pg. 110)? Explain. (4 pts)
Russell is opposed to Eliott's idea on page 110, (which was writing about Richie on the Revealer)
because he was afraid Richie would beat him up again.
2) What is happening to the relationship between Russell and Richie. (3 pts)
The relationship between Russell and Richie is becoming closer, and it always seems like there about to be friends, and they probably will be eventually.

3) Two Peer Comments (4 pts each)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hello World

Hi world. I've made many blogs, each one more pointless then the previous. Because nobody ever reads my blog!!! This seems like just writing cause I have nothing else to do and nobody will listen to me. But it's not its a school assignment.
Maybe I should of said my name first before all that stuff about my blogs. Well my name is Matthew, I live in Bangladesh but I am from the states. I have lived in the US, Ethiopia, Egypt, Bangladesh and in a few years India. I like sports, baseball, basketball, dodgeball and handball. My hero is Dustin Pedroia (da shorty) and all you Yankee fans can get off this blog and eat a muffin. I love the Red Sox and Celtics, who are both defending champs (lucky me).
Ok if you don't know me, then this was all pretty boring to you exceot the part about me living in Bangladesh. Yes, that seems like a crowd pleaser. Bangladesh is a small country in sooutheast Asia. The population of Bangladesh is 150,000. That may not seem like a lot to you, but its a country the size of Florida, so imagine half the US in Florida. That gives everyone 2 feet of space. Here the people speak Bangla, and I don't know any. We have rickshaws all over, they are bike-like things that have an extra seat for a passenger. A very nice place.
Unbelievly I haven't said my gender yet, I'm a boy. Well goodbye! (sorry I have no awesome catchphrase at the end).